Thursday, August 4, 2011

Check your tire pressure

Did you know that making sure your tires are always filled to their optimal pressure can save you more than 3.3% on gas mileage? In this heat checking tire pressure is something we tend to skip, but taking the time can put money back into your pocket to help cope with the higher fuel prices.

If you have a vehicle that get 25 MPG on fuel now, by having properly inflated tires you could be getting 25.825 MPG instead. That 8/10th of a mile doesn't sound like much by itself, but when you multiply it by a full tank, it can really add up. For example a 10 gallon tank would gain you another 8.25 miles per tank for the exact same fuel cost, in a month that is another 33 miles which is a round trip to/from work for most commuters. Click here for a ehow video explaing how to properly check your tire pressure.

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