Thursday, April 17, 2014

Birds Nest Eggs

Looking for something Easter themed for breakfast today? Got extra eggs from all the Easter sales? How about some Birds Nest Eggs...what your gonna need is a large cupcake pan, break, bacon, eggs, small amount of melted butter, shreaded chedder cheese (optional) and salt/pepper to taste.

Here is how to make them -
  1. Preheat overn to 375 degrees.
  2. Use melted butter to coat inside of muffin cups.
  3. While oven is heating, cook bacon (leave it a bit undercooked so it stays flexible). Remove bacon and pat with paper towels to absorb extra greese off.
  4. Remove bread crust and then use a rolling pin (or large glass) to flatten bread. Use flattend bread to form "nest" inside the cupcake cups.
  5. Inside "nest" you will now add your bacon, folding if necessary. I've seen people leave the ends hanging over, or simply like it in a circle...whatever floats you boat is fine.
  6. Crack one egg into each cup, salting and peppering if desired.
  7. Sprinkle a small amount of cheese on top if desired.
  8. Bake for ~25 minutes, or until egg is cooked to your desired level.
Allow to cool slightly before serving. Serve with a side of fresh fruit and a glass of milk for a complete breakfast.

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