Monday, November 14, 2011

Repurpose junk mail

Almost everyone get junk mail. Ever thought about repurposing it into something that might save you money? Here are a few suggestions below.
  1. Any papers that are only printed on one side can be given to children for coloring, or you can use them to write your a note to your family on.
  2. Use those envelopes to write your grocery list on. Sometimes there is not much room to write on the front, but the back is almost always blank. The envelope also makes a great place to put those coupons you plan to use on your shopping trip, saving you even more money.
  3. Plastic credit cards (the ones with the fake names and numbers) make great pretend play debt cards for the kids.
  4. If you have a paper shreader, you can also shread these items after using them to create a nice packing material for shipping items. Of course shreaded paper is fairly heavy, so its best used when shiping flat rate boxes of stuff. Shread also make a good material to use inside a box with a fragile item that you are simply gifting over the holidays and does not require shipping at all.
If you are getting too much junk mail, click here for suggestions on how to reduce it by Recycle Now.
Image pulled from recycle now

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