Saturday, October 15, 2011

Are all PDF coupons fraudulent?

No, not all PDF coupons are fraudulent, this is just a reminder of what  to beware of when using them. Sometimes it is hard to tell which ones are, but here are a few things to look at -
  • Does the expiration date sound like a long ways out? Typically coupons expire within 30 days, if the expriration dates is a year out, that sounds fraudulent.
  • Does the value seem too high? If the value of the coupon is more than a couple of dollars, I would suspect it's fraudlent. No, the company is not giving away free Playstations....
  • Does the artwork look company produced? Often fake coupons do not resmble the real ones. Look for key items such as artwork, bar code, remit address etc. If they are not there, don't use it.
  • Did the coupon come from a legit source such as the manufacturer website or Facebook page? If not, suspect fraud.
If a coupon sounds too good to be true and comes in a PDF form, it is likely fruadulent. Some companies do in fact offer PDF coupons. A few companies that have offered them in the past include 3M, Scotch and Sunbelt. The catch with PDF coupons is that they don't typically have unique scan codes wich makes them beep at the register. Because stores have seen so many fraudlent ones, sometimes they may refuse them even if they are legit. If a coupon does not scan without beeping, it is up to store policy/management if they will take them or not.

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