Someone once said that "if you don't use coupons, you haven't been that broke yet". I have to agree with them. Couponing is a way of life. I look at the retail prices that some people pay at the store and think to myself "are you crazy!?!? I don't care how good of a job I have, there is no way I would pay that!!!" Of course I also understand that time is also money, and strive for my couponing to meet my needs and not dominate my time. If I had 60+ hours to seek deals like the extreme couponers on TV, that would be great, by I have a job, family etc and that is not realistic for me. That said, here are some guidelines of the typical cost I am personally willing to pay for items that I can normally buy on sale with coupons. Of course if I can find an item I use for less than my typical limit, I see it as a bonus and try to grab a few extras. I have put a tab at the top of my blog with links to some of the larger coupon sites to help my readers save some cash of their own. All items on this list are full size unless otherwise noted.
- Deodorant $.50 for a full size
- Toothpaste $.50 for a 4oz or larger tube
- Toothbrushes $.50 (often these are free)
- Bar soap $.10 per bar
- Sunscreen $5 per spray bottle
- Laundry soap $5 for a large bottle (Tide, All etc) or $2 for the smaller ones (Purex type)
- Maxi pads $1.50
- Shower gel $.50
- Mustard $.50
- BBQ sauce $.50
- Mayo $1.50
- Catsup $1
- Miracle whip $1
- Dish soap $.75
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