Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kill those nasty little germs

Many of us have one of those kitchen sponges with the little scrubber on the back and tend to use it to scrape cooked on food off of dishes and pans. Of course it works great for that, and you then wash your dish/pan, but how often should you clean your sponge?
  1. When you are done using your sponge, rinse as much of the food particles off of it as you can.
  2. If not washing today, place the sponge so that it can easily dry. Avoid putting it into a container where moisture can collect. Germs like warm, dark, moist places.
  3. At least weekly, you should soak your sponge in water and throw it in your microwave for 2 minutes on high. The steam heat will kill nearly all germs in your sponge plus help steam the gunk off of the inside of your microwave. This is a great opportunity to wipe out the microwave as well, and way cheaper than the fancy microwave steam cleaners.
Keep in mind that washcloths are not much better than sponges. They should be washed at least weekly and dried on high heat.

Here is ehow link that goes into more details -
Heating a sponge in the microwave will kill germs and bacteria
** Safety - Sponge will be hot, allow it to sit a few minutes before handling.

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