Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Corned Beef & Cabbage made easy

In honor of tomorrows holiday I thought I would share a uber easy recipe for Corned Beef & Cabbage.

Here is what you need to grab at the store (or from your stock) today to have for the recipe:
1 package of corned beef (grab the one with the seasoning packet included), 2 potatoes (optional), 4 Carrots, 1 small onion, 1 small head of cabbage, 1 Can lemon-lime soda (don't skip it, the acid works as a tenderizer), water, & 1 large crock pot for cooking.

If you want to grab the stuff for tomorrows recipe (dessert) you might also grab a premade graham cracker crust, square of mint chip ice cream, 8oz cool whip, 1/2 jar of hot fudge & some chocolate chips (garnish).

Here is what you do tomorrow morning:
Spray your crock with non-stick spray. Dice up potatoes, carrots and onions into chunks and place in bottom of crock. Open package of corned beef and lie it on top of veggies, rub spice packet all over top and sides of meat Cut head of cabbage to fit on top of meat (throwing away core). Pour one can of soda on top and then fill can with water and pour water on top as well (adjust water up if you have a crock that tends to evaporate liquid more quickly but keep in mind that the cabbage also gives off water). Set crock on low setting and let cook for ~8 hours until veggies are soft and meat is cooked to your preference.

* Note: Corned beef is naturally salty, therefore I do not recommend adding any salt to this recipe. Instead, simply set the salt and pepper on the table for people to add to their plate based when serving.

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