Sunday, January 23, 2011

FREE Pediasure after rebate

Pediasure is sorta like a segway for kids between formula and milk. It has tons of added nutrition and comes in multiple flavors. Many parents of "picky" eaters use this instead of vitamins to ensure that their kids gets what they need to grow. The upside to it is that it doesn't have to be refrigerated, which makes it great to throw in diaper bags or to pack in the car for road trips. I used pack it in my diaper bag with an empty sippy cup and simply ask hit a drive thru and ask for a cup of ice, and viola we had a cold nutritional drink in the car. The downside to it is that it can be expensive. So, this reabate is a GOOD thing.

Here is the rebate form -
Here are some coupons link to help you get the most bang for your buck -
Thanks Totally Target for the tip!

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